Sunday, March 27, 2011

The LOOOOOOVE Detective Notebook- Case 2

1) Imagine that you are a LOOOOOVE detective. Someone has hired you to discover whether there is any truth to this rumor:
Charlotte loooooooves Mr. Collins

2) Hunt through the text for all the clues that you can find that have bearing on the question. Make sure you provide enough information in your notes so that you can tell your client where you got the clues!

3) Formulate an answer for your client: Does that person looooooove the other one or not? If you can't tell, why not?

Detective Work:
Case 2: Charlotte looooooves Mr. Collins.


1) "Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other, or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation, and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life." -Charlotte Lucas (page 21)

Notes: This quote, found early on in the novel, shows that Charlotte Lucas is not the most romantic person. She does not seem to think that true love and wedded bliss are the most important ingredients for a successful marriage. Miss Lucas is much more practical. It also should be noted that she is 27...and still isn't married.

2) "[Elizabeth] owed her greatest relief to her friend Miss Lucas, who often joined them, and good-naturedly engaged Mr, Collins's conversation to herself." (page. 90)

Notes: This is the first example of Miss Lucas chatting it up with Mr. help her friend Elizabeth?

3) "The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr. Collins. Elizabeth took an opportunity of thanking her...Charlotte assured her friend of her satisfaction in being useful, and that it amply repaid her for the little sacrifice of her time. This was very amiable, but Charlotte's kindness extended farther than Elizabeth had any conception of; its object was nothing less than to secure her from any return of Mr. Collins's addresses by engaging them towards herself. Such was Miss Lucas's scheme; and appearances were so favourable that when they parted that night, she would have felt almost sure of success...the fire and independenc of his character...led him to escape out of Longbourn House the next morning...and hasten to Lucas Lodge to throw himself at her feet." (page 106)

Notes: This quote shows that there is an ulterior motive behind Charlotte's kindness towards Mr. Collins; she is trying to snag a husband!

4) "...and Miss Lucas, who accepted him solely from the pure and disinterested desire of an establishment, cared not how soon that establishment were gained." (page 107)

Notes: Here we see the first explanation as to why Miss Lucas agreed to marry Mr. Collins: he represents an opportunity for security in life.

5) "[Charlotte's] reflections were in general satisfactory. Mr. Collins to be sure was neither sensible nor agreeable; his society was irksome, and his attachment to her must be imaginary. But still he would be her husband. Without thinking highly either of men or of matrimony, marriage had always been her object; it was the only honourable provision for well-educated young women of small fortune, and however uncertain of giving happiness, it must be their pleasantest preservative from want.." (page 107)

Notes: This passage pretty much sums it all up. As I said before, Charlotte Lucas is practical, and she knows that the only way for a young woman to be "free from want" (have money, a nice home, etc.) is to get married. She is not necessarily attracted to Mr. Collins.

The rumor is false! Charlotte does not looooooove Mr. Collins, she is just marrying him because it is convenient. She is 27 years old, and the pressure is on for her to get married. When Elizabeth spurns Mr. Collins's advances, Charlotte catches him on the rebound and snags herself a husband---how strategic! There is absolutely no evidence that she loves him; there is barely any evidence that she truly likes him as a person. Charlotte Lucas just saw an opportunity and took it. Elizabeth may be disgusted by her decision, but she, unlike Charlotte, is young, pretty, and intelligent enough to be a bit more picky when choosing a husband.

Also: Here are another person's thoughts on Charlotte and Mr. Collins.

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